HomeSuccess Stories
15 tph SZL coal-fired steam boiler for cigarette factory
15 tph
Ganzhou, Jiangxi

Project Description

Jiangxi Gannan Tobacco Leaf Compounding Co., Ltd. isa large state-owned enterprise. During 2010, Jiangxi GannanTobacco Leaf Refining Company registered capital of 450 million yuan, andimplemented a technology upgrade and transformation project—thetransformation of auxiliary equipment for the process of threshing androasting. Due to the frequent use of steam during the production of the threshingand roasting, the company meets the demand for the process of tobaccomoistening, wetting and re-roasting. In accordance with the actual demand ofthe project, Jiangxi Gannan Tobacco Recycling Company purchased 15 tph coal-fired steam boiler with assembled structure at ZOZEN boiler. The boileris a horizontal steam boiler with double drums vertical chainfurnace drain designed by ZOZEN boiler technical personnel, according todomestic and foreign advanced technology. The installation of the equipment isconvenient at the site and the installation period is short, which ensures the successfulcompletion of the threshing and redrying project.


Client feedback

The successful completion of the threshing and redryingproject was very grateful to ZOZEN boiler for its cooperation. In fact, neitherZOZEN's product technology nor the performance of ZOZEN boiler have reached the international advanced level. Afterthe boiler is put into use, compared with the ordinary boilers of otherfactories, the fuel costs have been significantly reduced, the thermalefficiency is much higher than that of ordinary boilers, and the exhaust gasemission fully complies with national standards. ZOZEN boiler is a brand boilermanufacturer worthy of cooperation.

— Jiangxi Gannan Tobacco Leaf Compounding Co., Ltd.

If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Manager and we will get back to you as soon as possible

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Boiler fuel:
  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Biomass
  • Coal
  • Waste Heat
  • Other
  • Textile Industry
  • Central Heating
  • Food Plant
  • Power Plant
  • Chemical Industry
  • Waste Heat Recovery
  • AAC Block Plant
  • Hotel & Resort
  • CHP
  • Other